Cyber-Security is not a joke !

Modern man life cannot be understood without internet. We sell our data (consciously or unconsciously) in exchange to access a range of services such as social networking, access to our bank accounts, purchase of products, home automation, etc. Are we aware of what this means? Are the participants in this ecosystem prepared to defend our data that we have put in their hands? Clearly not, and with the expected explosion of the internet of things, this is only going to get worse.

Hi, CIA speaking, what’s up?

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” George Orwell In the old spy films, there always was a microphone installed on a telephone, or a camera that came out of the roof and coiled up down the lamp in the living room. In all these scenes it was assumed that someone had entered the house and, with great ability not to be seen, installed these instruments to see and hear. What do you think if we realize that these "instruments" are already at home? Even worse, that we have put them ourselves, and we intend to put many more. Does it sounds like a warm midsummer night’s hallucination? I do not believe so. Let's see.

MWC17: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

MWC17 is over. More than 2,200 participating companies are heading back home. And the winner is… This year’s theme has been “The next element”. The answer could be the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. MWC17 has presented the path, the standard, the goal, toward which, the sector could develop and implement the different pieces of the puzzle: the 5G.

Robots must pay taxes

The Three Laws of Robotics (Isaac Asimov): 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. To these three fundamental laws of robotics created by genius Isaac Asimov, a fourth one should be added. Bill Gates said a few days ago: "If a robot is going to do the work of a human, should pay the taxes of a human being." The change of concept is tremendous.

Donald Trump: America First !

When we talk about Donald Trump, the first things that come to mind are threats, madness, uncertainty, protectionism, etc. Let's see what Donald Trump says about himself and maybe we can find some opportunity from all the above. Before talking about Trump, I suggest you visit his website: in order to see his proposals and try to find what dangers and opportunities may turn up for companies, countries and society in general. The first thing that draws your attention is his so-called Donald Trump's Contract with the American Voter, which highlights what he plans to do in the first 100 days of his mandate: his electoral program, so to speak...

Things worth to speak about

2016 is dead, long life to 2017! We will continue talking about weather, politicians, football, cash struggling … and “me…what about my stuff?” However, these common places can’t hide a great truth: we are facing a real change in the historical cycle.The technology advance, new geopolitical scenarios, power struggle disguised as religion, homeland or other… Continue reading Things worth to speak about

China: The end of an era?

Note: This is the official english translation of the original spanish article "China, ¿el final de una era?" published in last 25th of August 2015. "When my shoeshine boy invests in the stock-market, I will sell everything.“ John D. Rockefeller Something is happening in China. Stock markets all over the world have fallen 5%… Continue reading China: The end of an era?