What do we have to worry about in 2018? I would focus on Data Theft and Cyber-Physical Attacks. It is not a random choice. Cyber-attacks are for a reason. Analyzing them to understand these reasons helps us to predict the nature of the attacks. The international situation, technological trends or the fight for power based on religious, ethnic or cultural grounds are amongst the main causes.
Category: Terrorism
The Salazar case. Who leaked the information? (Part 2)
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge” Stephen Hawking. “It was Isabel” said Manuel. “How could that be possible?” replied Gregorio in surprise. “Do you mean that you're not surprised or how did she do it?” asked Manuel. “I suppose both” confessed Gregorio Salazar preparing himself for the… Continue reading The Salazar case. Who leaked the information? (Part 2)
El Caso Salazar, ¿quién filtró la información? (2ª Parte)
“El mayor enemigo del conocimiento no es la ignorancia, sino la ilusión del conocimiento” Stephen Hawking “Ha sido Isabel” le suelta Manuel. “¿Cómo?” le contesta con cara de sorpresa Gregorio. “¿Te refieres a que no te lo esperabas o a cómo lo ha hecho?” le pregunta Manuel. “La verdad, ambas” le confiesa Gregorio Salazar preparándose… Continue reading El Caso Salazar, ¿quién filtró la información? (2ª Parte)
Cyber-Security: What is DLP? The Gregorio Salazar case.
Looking into the horizon, Gregorio Salazar mentally went over the last few stressful hours of the day. The sun was slowly turning red over the city of Madrid. The view was amazing from the window of his office on the 33rd floor of the Cuatro Torres. But Gregorio was in no mood for simple pleasures.… Continue reading Cyber-Security: What is DLP? The Gregorio Salazar case.
¡ La Cyber-Seguridad no es una broma !
La vida del hombre moderno no se entiende sin internet. Vendemos nuestros datos de forma consciente o inconsciente a cambio de poder acceder a una serie de servicios como redes sociales, facilidades de acceso a nuestras cuentas, compra de productos, domótica, etc. ¿Somos conscientes de lo que esto implica? ¿Están los partícipes en este ecosistema preparados para defender esos datos que les hemos confiado? Claramente no, y con la previsible explosión del “internet de las cosas”, esto sólo va a ir a peor.
Cyber-Security is not a joke !
Modern man life cannot be understood without internet. We sell our data (consciously or unconsciously) in exchange to access a range of services such as social networking, access to our bank accounts, purchase of products, home automation, etc. Are we aware of what this means? Are the participants in this ecosystem prepared to defend our data that we have put in their hands? Clearly not, and with the expected explosion of the internet of things, this is only going to get worse.
Hi, CIA speaking, what’s up?
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” George Orwell In the old spy films, there always was a microphone installed on a telephone, or a camera that came out of the roof and coiled up down the lamp in the living room. In all these scenes it was assumed that someone had entered the house and, with great ability not to be seen, installed these instruments to see and hear. What do you think if we realize that these "instruments" are already at home? Even worse, that we have put them ourselves, and we intend to put many more. Does it sounds like a warm midsummer night’s hallucination? I do not believe so. Let's see.
Hola, aquí la CIA, dígame.
“Si la libertad algo significa, es el derecho a decirle a la gente lo que no quiere escuchar.” George Orwell En las viejas películas de espías, siempre había un micrófono instalado en un teléfono, o una cámara que salía del techo y se enroscaba en la lámpara del salón. En todos esas escenas se presuponía que alguien había entrado en esa casa y, con suma habilidad para no ser visto, instalado estos instrumentos de ver y escuchar. ¿Qué pensaríamos si nos diésemos cuenta que esos “instrumentos” ya los tenemos en casa? Es más, que los hemos puesto nosotros mismos, y encima tenemos la intención de poner muchos más. ¿Suena a alucinación de una noche calurosa de verano? No creo. Veamos.
Things worth to speak about
2016 is dead, long life to 2017! We will continue talking about weather, politicians, football, cash struggling … and “me…what about my stuff?” However, these common places can’t hide a great truth: we are facing a real change in the historical cycle.The technology advance, new geopolitical scenarios, power struggle disguised as religion, homeland or other… Continue reading Things worth to speak about